The 12 Pillars of Vitamedicine

Vitamedicine™ is a personalised person-centred holistic system of health care with a core set of philosophies, principles, and practices. Vitamedicine™ looks at the whole person, physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and environmentally, and focuses on the person’s individual needs. It aims to address the underlying causes of disordered health and promote optimum health. The uniqueness of everyone is taken into account with vitamedicine. Vitamedicine™ is integrative in nature and utilises the integration of traditional knowledge and science.

The 12 pillars of Vitamedicine™ are:
First, do no harm
Treat the whole person
Identify and treat the cause
Prevention and health promotion in all areas
The healing power of nature and that of the body
The health professional is a teacher
Regular hydration
Nourish with wholefoods
Support with herbal medicines
Daily physical activity and regular movement
Sleep and rest

Lifestyle medicine underpins, strengthens, and reinforces the 12 pillars of vitamedicine. I will be going into more detail for each pillar of Vitamedicine in future posts.

Reference: McEwen B. Vitalism and Vitamedicine. JATMS 2021; 27(4): 200-207.