What is Vitamedicine?

Since my post on Vitamedicine a couple of years back, people have been asking me about Vitamedicine. I have been using Vitamedicine since starting clinic in January 1999. The word “vitamedicine” was formed from the Latin word “vita” meaning “life” and medicine, that being what I call “life medicine” or medicine for life (for the long-term). Vitamedicine is a personalised holistic system of health care with a core set of philosophies, principles, and practices. Vitamedicine looks at the whole person, physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and environmentally, and focuses on the person’s individual needs. It is person-centric (looking at the big picture). It aims to address the underlying causes of health issues and to promote optimum health. It takes into account the lifestyle factors of the person. Vitamedicine utilises traditional knowledge and science.

Aspects of Vitamedicine include: treating the whole person, identifying and treating the cause/s, prevention and health promotion, regular hydration, nourishing with wholefoods, using herbal medicines to support the healing process, daily physical activity and regular movement, mindfulness and meditation, sleep, and rest.

If you’d like to know more about how Vitamedicine can be of benefit to you, come in for an appointment at the clinic.